
We invest in rigorous research and evaluation to identify programs and policies that work.
A critical part of effective policy change is identifying solutions through research and evaluation. Far too often, no one knows whether a program or policy really works, and in many cases, no one collects or measures the most basic data about a given problem. We fund many types of research to understand problems and identify policy solutions in criminal justice, education, public finance, and health. In all these areas, what we look for is research that systematically, accurately, and significantly reduces the most pressing uncertainties about important policy issues. Learn more about our approach to funding research here.
We hold ourselves and our partners accountable to the core principles of research integrity: transparency, rigor, and reproducibility. Further details on our policy for research funding can be found in our Guidelines for Investments in Research. We have also supported efforts to improve the quality of research more broadly, including funding replication studies in a variety of fields and advancing higher standards for transparency and openness at scientific journals. We don’t accept unsolicited proposals, but contact us for questions about existing RFPs or general inquiries.
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