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A criminal record should not result in a life sentence to poverty or the inability of a person to care for themself and their family, and move forward. 

We support policies that will reduce barriers to successful reintegration, such as reducing public benefits exclusions and expanding access to health care upon release from incarceration. 

As a result of decades of failed policies, today one in three adults has a criminal record, and many struggle to escape the collateral consequences and stigma that follow them long after they have served their sentence. A dense web of legal restrictions tied to criminal justice involvement serve as enduring punishments that keep people from finding a job, earning a degree, supporting themselves and their families, participating in civic life, or accessing other basic human needs. These hurdles are particularly high in communities of color, which already suffer from discrimination and disproportionately high rates of arrest, conviction, and incarceration. That’s why Arnold Ventures supports a variety of policy solutions that address these barriers and help people and their families successfully move forward.

Image: Courtesy of Phoebe Jones and The Fortune Society

1 in 3
Number of Americans who have a criminal record, often for minor crimes
Amount of economic loss due to barriers to employment
Rate of unemployment for people who were formerly incarcerated, worse than unemployment during the Great Depression
Number of restrictions on jobs, housing, voting, education, and other rights for formerly incarcerated people