Civica Rx

Hospital patients should have access to life-saving medications.
Many generic drug manufacturers have little competition, resulting in high pricing and supply interruptions for hospital patients. Sometimes, manufacturers purchase the rights to a drug and then raise the price by more than 3,000 percent. The chronic shortage of critical drugs, compounded with skyrocketing prices, is a double blow to high-needs patients.
In October 2018, we began investing in the nonprofit generic drug company Civica Rx, which focuses on stabilizing the supply of essential generic medications administered in hospitals. The company, which has buy-in from 19 large hospital systems, has identified 14 generic drugs that have seen price hikes or been on shortage lists. As an FDA-approved manufacturer, Civica Rx will manufacture the drugs with the goal of ensuring hospitals and patients have access to critical drugs when they need them.
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Why Civica?
Civica Rx partners with health care systems to ensure that generic drugs are affordable and available as soon as possible.
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